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North Star: The Purposeful Way to Craft Your Memoir$0

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North Star: The Purposeful Way to Craft Your Memoir$0

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Memoir writing is about more than just writing down your stories.

It's about sharing them in a way that connects with your reader and delivers your message with resonance and impact.

In North Star, you'll learn how to choose what goes in your memoir (and what stays out), keep your narrative tight and focused, and craft an impactful experience for your reader.

Do any of these sound familiar?

  • You're feeling stuck in your memoir and don't really know where to go from here. 
  • You're feeling like the manuscript is controlling you instead of you guiding the story. 
  • You're worried that no one would want to read your memoir. 
  • You're afraid of repeating yourself. 
  • You're plagued with self-doubt and self-criticism

Or maybe this strikes a chord:

  • You have taken other courses or worked with other editors—yet you're still here looking for the memoir Holy Grail.
  • You've spent months and years in self-edits and don't feel like you're actually getting anywhere.
  • You try to involve yourself in memoir writing communities, but they're all just as lost as you are.

But here's what you want: to be able to tell someone clearly and succinctly what your memoir is actually about.

When you sit down to write, you know exactly what's coming next.

When you're structuring and revising, you know exactly what belongs in your memoir and what needs to go (and you don't feel like you're ripping your heart out).

Thinking about the reader on the other side of your manuscript fills you with love, conviction, and purpose, because you know that your story is exactly what they need.

You want to tell everyone about your memoir, because in your soul you know that your story has always been meant to live and breathe in this world.

Many of the problems writers bring to me come down to something deeper than the words on the page. North Star is the course that teaches how to dig deeper and course correct your memoir in fundamental and lasting ways. 

So many memoir writers feel like they're missing something but they can't figure out what it is—North Star is specifically designed to pull out that missing piece and bring clarity and vision back to your story. 

Students in North Star will cultivate a custom editorial strategy that will produce clarity and self-guidance in their manuscript, a refined focus and message, a soul-deep connection to your story, and a renewed sense of ownership and conviction.

North Star meets you and your memoir exactly where you are right now

Memoir doesn't begin with words or even the actual story—it's rooted in a message. In North Star I guide you through my unique framework of finding and articulating that message. We dive deep into what you're actually writing, who you're writing for, and why you're writing it. And because every writer has their own unique writing process and flow, the foundational work taught in North Star can be applied at any point in the writing and revisions process. 

Regardless of how much you've written, the frameworks and processes laid out in this course will add clarity and vision to your manuscript. Whenever you complete this work—before, during, or after writing a manuscript—you will infuse your memoir with more message, more impact, and more potency.

What's Included:

  • Five modules
  • One bonus Q&A call
  • Workbook for fast-acting implementation
  • Lifetime access

Access Details:

After completing the checkout by entering your information, you'll receive an email with everything you need to know for accessing North Star modules and resources.

Payment Details:

  • One- or two-payment options
  • All pricing is in USD
  • Payment will be charged to your credit card or Paypal account automatically and you'll be emailed a receipt from Stripe or Paypal
